Monday 21 September 2015




Belief in astrology is an ancient, world-wide phenomenon.It has engendered heated debates, encountered fierce criticism, but it still commands huge following. Even a newspaper like the Times of India which rants against Hindu orthodoxy and champions the cause of leftist loonies runs regular columns on astrology . May be, running with the hare and hunting with the hound? Well, what if it has money in it? After all, the paper is owned and run by businessmen!

An adaptation of Robert Fludd's 16th century woodcut showing man's position in the macrocosm. This depicts how man is influenced by the planets.
Public domain, wikimedia commons.

But we Indians are addicted to it as a matter of religious faith! Perhaps many people may  not know that even Indian Muslims believe in it in a big way. Muslims in the South believe in it strongly, along with belief in Hindu concepts like Vastu, Rahu Kaalam, etc. While on the one hand, so called rational groups are shouting against it, astrology is gaining new adherents every day, and specialist astrological magazines are flourishing, while every popular journal carries a column on astrology. With the application of computer technology, astrology seems to have gained a new status and fresh lease of life!

Zodiacal signs according to Hindu astrology

In this as in many others, we are guided by our experience.

Many people relate stories of how astrological predictions  turned out to be correct; perhaps as many would say how they all failed! In the end, we do not know whether it is astrology or individual astrologer who is correct. And like teachers,doctors and lawyers, there are good and bad ones among astrologers too.

Signs according to Chinese astrology.
These two pictures taken from: Thanks.

While horoscopy , palmistry and numerology are the most known forms of astrological prediction, there are many other methods of divination of the future. Naadi astrology is famous in the South. Some can read faces, some read the lines on the feet, some read the shadows, some study the shape of the nose, head, hands, etc. There is also the method of casting lots to be picked by young children, and the method of opening a holy book at random to see what it has to convey, though here a lot depends on the interpretation. I knew a Catholic priest who used a pendulum to divine certain things like lost articles and missing people! And there is a stage where it ceases to be pure astrology but gets mixed up with other practices, usually occult. Such things do indeed give us a fright.

Having been brought up in rather orthodox environment, I have had exposure to these things in the last 50 years. I have met people with varied experiences, and have myself met astrologers of many types. In my case, I have not met a single astrologer whose predictions were correct, though in two cases, the negative predictions were fulfilled. When I was constructing my house in the 70s, the astrologer I consulted told me that the house would not benefit me, that only some relatives would live in it and that in the end it won't remain with me. And it did happen like that! Another astrologer told me, when I was having serious problems, that I should leave that house before a specific date. I did not, in deference to the wishes of my mother. But on that date, one of my children met with a serious accident! But none of the good things predicted by any one, by any method, in the last 50 years was fulfilled! My grand mother used to say that it was the tongue of some astrologers which prevailed! In the end, I have lost faith in both astrology and astrologers!

Over the years I have reflected on the issues a lot and a few basic questions assail me.

Is astrology compatible with Vedic wisdom?

This may look absurd, considering that "Jyotisha" is one of the six aspects ( anga) of Veda! There are indeed many staunch and learned advocates of what they call Vedic astrology, which is another name of Hindu astrology. Yet , the jotisha that the Veda speaks about has to do with the fixing of the right time for certain big events like eclipses and yajnas and does not seem  concerned with the prediction of personal aspects of life.

The Paramacharya of Kanchi Mutt, the foremost authority on such matters in modern times, has spoken about this rather extensively. 

He said:
Jyotisha which is the science of  celestial bodies and the eye of the Vedapurusha consists of three skandhas or sections.
Why is Jyotisha regarded as the eye of the Vedapurusha? If you want to know the position of the planets 50 years ago, or 50 years hence, you have to have recourse to Jyotisha. Even if we are able to see a planet with the naked eye,we will need the help of astrology to find out its effect on our life, how its position in the heavens will influence our destiny.

This is the reason why Jyotisha is called the eye of the Vedapurusha. Vedic rituals are performed according to the position of the various planets (and the sun and the moon). There are rules to determine this. The right day and hour (muhurtha) for a function is fixed according to the position of the celestial bodies. Here again Jyotisha performs the function of the eye.

This anga of the Veda is indeed called the "nayana" which word means "to lead." So it is the eye that leads. Astronomy/astrology is the eye that enables us to fix the hours for  Vedic rituals.

-Adapted from: Hindu Dharma by Kanchi Paramacharya, part ten , chapter 1. p.349.Translated by R.G.K. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1995. 

This requires to be studied closely. The Acharya is stressing the astronomical aspects of the celestial bodies in relation to Vedic rituals. Later on, he develops how this involves lot of mathematical skill. Of course he gives hints that the celestial bodies do influence our life and destiny. But the astrological sastra or science that has developed this elaborately is a later development, not of Vedic antiquity. The great authorities who developed this science- Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Bhaskaracharya were all great scholars, but none of them was a Vedic Rishi, and their ideas are not beyond dispute and challenge!

The orthodoxy has recognised the connection between the celestial bodies and human destiny and given a simple daily ritual for their appeasement: the daily Navagraha tarpana in the sandhya. There does not appear to be a more elaborate formula or obsession with the celestial  bodies. Certainly, the Veda has not elevated the planets to the position of the absolute arbiters of our destiny. It is significant that the tarpana for the Navagrahas is immediately followed by the tarpana for the twelve aspects of Vishnu! And it is also necessary  to remember that Aditya in our system is not just the external sun, but the Eternal Brahman (Asavadityo Brahma:).

Picture of a boy performing navagraha tarpanam! Image taken from the front cover of a publication by Giri Tading Agency, Chennai. Thanks.

In sum. preoccupation with astrology as at present does not seem to be wholly consistent with Vedic Wisdom!

Is belief in astrology consistent with belief in God?

The Hindu system of belief and practice is very complicated. Though we believe in God, we also believe in a hundred thousand devatas. The orthodox position is that God has appointed them as his agents to supervise various functions and we should not disregard them. It surely makes sense. If we visit the collector's office, we will surely have to 'take care' of a dozen petty officials, before we are allowed to meet the collector!  But is God so nasty and corrupt like the collector, that we have to grease a hundred palms to smoothen our way? Patnam Subramanya Iyer, one of the composers of Carnatic music has a popular kriti: "Paridanamichchite palinchuve O". It means: O Rama, will you save me only if I bribe you? But our orthodox position is worse: we have to bribe a hundred deities before we get to the Lord himself!

There are two types of astrologers; one prescribes lot of rituals for propitiating various powers to obtain relief. There is another which tell you to visit temples and do some puja, light lamps, chant some mantra or sloka, read some holy book, etc. The latter type of astrologers seem to be better as they direct our attention to God, in some form or the other. Nor are they after money. In all other cases, we are directed away from God. To this extent, astrology undermines faith in God. 

Sri Tyagaraja
Picture taken from Thanks

Saints and true devotees like Tyagaraja and Purandaradasa stress devotion to God above faith in the planets. Sri Tyagaraja sings: Grahabhalam emi, Sri Rama anughraha bhalame balamu. (What is the strength of the planets? The blessings of Sri Rama  are  the real strength.)

Sri Purandaradasa sings: Sakala graha bhala neene, Sarasijaksha.(O Lord with the lotus eye! You are the strength of all the planets.Likewise all saints of all traditions have stressed pure devotion above astrological remedies.

Tirujnanasambadha's hymns on the planets are very famous. Likewise, we have hymns from Arunagirinatha and the Alwars. Yet we forget these saints and  we run in search of the ways to please the planets!

We have the phenomenon of the periodical change of the position of the planets (graha peyarchi). And lot of running about is involved, especially if Saturn and others like Rahu, Ketu, Guru are in the picture. Yet we also are told that the stars and the planets have their own devatas and atidevatas- ie they too have their controlling masters! It is indeed a maze!

In North India, there is a belief that the worship of Hanuman is the effective remedy against all planetary doshas, as Hanuman has got the boon not to be afflicted or controlled by any planet. Similarly, worship of Durga is also considered effective remedy for ills connected with Sani. ( Lord Krishna himself advised Arjuna to pray to Durga before commencement of the war!. This prayer can be seen in the Jayamangala Stotram , compiled by Sengalipuram Anantarama Dikshitar, vol.1.) In the Anjaneya Ashtottram we have the following mantras:

Sarva maaya vibanjana:
Sarva banda vimokta:
Para vidya parihara:
Para saurya vinasana:
Para mantra nirakartra:
Para yantra prabhedaka:
Sarvagraha vinasee:
Sarva dukkha haraaya: etc.

Yet, we hardly seem to reflect on the meaning of these and what they imply!

Let us remember that the Lord is the authority for and above all remedies. As the Vishnu Sahasranama says in the phalasruti:

Sarvagamanam achara: pratamam parikalpate
Aachara prabavo dharmo dharmasya prabhu Achyuta:

Many,if not most, of us believe in astrology as a regular part of our religious faith, as if it is an indispensable part of our religion, and belief in God. Some have even elevated astrology to the status of a religion! It may not indeed be so. God is above astrology, as he is above all ritual and theology, though ritual and theolgy may help to fix our faith in God! Carried to excess, they act as a barrier. So with astrology!

Has  astrology helped anyone permanently?

We consult an astrologer, like we consult a doctor, only when we have a problem. No doubt many of us feel that we obtain relief from some immediate problem.. That is why both these categories flourish. But do we obtain permanent relief from astrology? Has anyone considered over a long period whether the remedies suggested and followed  resulted in permanent relief?  How many are such cases? It seems that astrological remedies too have side effects, like modern medicines!

The commonest reason for astrological consultation is in connection with  fixing marriages. Almost no Hindu finalises a marriage without astrological consultation. Yet, how many such marriages have been happy or successful? We see an alarming trend of divorces and other forms of marital conflict among the youngsters- in the Hindu community. What is it due to? Does it mean failure of astrology, or just the incompetence of the astrologers? What do we make of it when two astrologers do not agree- how do we decide? How do we decide when two systems differ in their analyses and conclusions?

It seems even when an immediate issue is settled, it does not prevent further problems. Thus, marriages may be fixed but no one can guarantee that it will work in the long run.

Kim ekam daivatam?

There is no doubt that astrology as a discipline is sublime in conception, though it is used for very ordinary purposes.

The object of human birth is God realisation or Self realisation. As Adi Sankara says in Vivekachudamani, one who does not realise his Atma in spite of obtaining this rare human birth is guilty of Atma hatti- ie murdering the Self. Can the sublime science of astrology help in this endeavour?

Studying Vishnu Sahasranama, I was once obsessed with one question. After listening to all the dharmas expounded by Bhishma, Yudhishtira gets rather vexed, and asks Bhishma: Tell me the One God whom we should worship? Tell me the one dharma which is supreme? ( He asks six questions like this). Reading this, I developed an idea. We Hindus have our family diety, Ishta devta, the deities worshipped by our elders in the fmily, etc. Does not all this amount to digging well in different places, and not deepening the well at one place? Should we not seek one specific Deity, take up one specific Upasana, etc.?

With this idea, I asked all the astrologers I met to study my horoscope and tell me to which form of God I should be devoted. I did not get uniform or definite answer. The answer depended on the personal persuasion or preference  of the astrologer. If the astrologer was a Shakti upasaka, he would say that I should take up Devi upasana. This involved the further question: Devi in which form, because there are several forms! One astrologer said he would have to study the horoscopes of the entire family; and yet, after that, he could not come to a conclusion, except that we were probably devotees of Shiva and His family. But  one Sri Vaishnava astrologer told me that though I was a Smartha, I should change over to worshipping Vishnu in a particular form- as Ananta Padmanabha  Swami since this was the real family Deity not only for me but for my entire clan according to the gotra! In the end I concluded that though this was an important issue, we did not get definite light  or guidance from astrology.

But my doubt is not a vain one. We read in serious religious literature that we have to take up a definite upasana. Real gurus imparted those mantras that were suited to the individual. Thus we read that Sri Ramakrishna would initiate people according to the mantra suitable for them. More than him, it was Sri Sarada Devi, Holy Mother who initiated hundreds of devotees by giving them the mantras meant for them. In many cases it would pertain to the family Deities whom they had forgotten! In more recent times, even Maharshi Mahesh Yogi would prescribe different mantras to people for Transcendental Meditation according to their suitability. 

A Supreme Master like Ramana had one rule for all. Cult figures like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also had one mantra for all. But all the regular gurus do prescribe according to their own traditions. However astrology seems to be of no definite help here. Or, am I barking up the wrong tree?

Astrology- an incomplete science?

It seems to me that astrology as it is now practised is a fractured science. There are practitioners who are masters of some parts and no doubt most of them are sincere. But how could they go beyond the limits of their own science? Some astrologers have tremendous personal power and it seems to work more than the science! Many eminent astrologers like scientists are humble and do not make tall claims. Thus B.V.Raman, one of the great astrologers of modern times, used as the motto of his journal "The Astrological Magazine" the couplet which said that man  could talk about the movements of the planets, but who except Brahma himself could  predict the future!

In the film Pyaasa, Sahir Ludhianvi asked in a song:

Jane woh kaise log the jinke pyar ko pyar mila
Humne  tho jab kaliyan maangi kaa(n)ton ka haar mila.

( I wonder what kind of people  got fulfilment in love. When I sought flowers, all I got was a garland of thorns.)

Likewise, my experience with astrologers was not satisfactory or fulfilling. I would like to know from friends whether they had better experience!


The two essential aspects of astrology are prediction and prescription of remedies (pariharas).  Predictive capacity depends on the calibre of astrologers, especially their insight and intuitive ability. To a large extent, this is a divine gift.Many astrologers are upasakas of powerful deities and it surely adds to their powers. But no one is infallible, since the human medium is very prominent. I have heard astrologers say that possibilities of remedies are indicated in the horoscope itself and they cannot go beyond it.

Over the years, I have observed that while  astrological remedies are generally effective in the case of simple people and Non-Brahmins, they do not work as effectively in the case of Brahmins. In my view, this is due to the fact that Brahmins have a greater load of Karmic debt, and they do not perform even the Sandhya properly.So long as the Sandhya is not performed, and Gayatri is not recited, no other remedy or mantra will work in the case of Brahmins. One can test it oneself.

Astrology based on horoscope can be a sure guide to character, especially the hidden aspects of the personality. One reason why marriages fail nowadays is that most astrologers (so called) have no real insight; while they match charts mechanically, they do not or cannot study the character. Interacting with modern, educated girls , we can easily judge that they are now career-oriented and focused on earnings, and are not family oriented. Talking to parents, we can easily see that most of them have no control over their children, and do not even know their tastes and interests properly. How can astrologers fail to discern these?

I offer these points purely for reflection, not as advice!


Astrology is based on an undeniable truth of existence: Karma. This is perhaps the most fundamental law of spiritual life, as entropy or gravity is of physical existence. Edgar Cayce, the great psychic stressed it, as the core law, though his own Christian faith did not admit it, officially. It is because of this that astrology has instinctive appeal to most people all over the world.

However, when it comes to practical matters, it is very difficult to say how exactly our circumstances relate to past Karma, and how it can be bended, mended or ended, if at all.There are two approaches in Hinduism to this question. The Jnanis, like Ramana Maharshi, hold that Prarabda will run its course, no matter what we do. The Bhaktas say that Bhagavan is the ultimate master, and he can change anything, including our destiny.Popular religion derives its strength from this belief in the power of Iswara to mitigate our suffering, if not eradicate it fully.

In this background, the force of astrology cannot be denied. Certainly, the effects of Karma cannot be wished away! Whatever Jnanis may say, their very presence is found to mitigate suffering and give relief. There is a telling instance in the history of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. Once, a boyhood friend and classmate of his, one Ranga Iyer came to him, disturbed by some dire astrological prediction for the year.  Ramana Bhagavan asked him to stay in the asramam precincts and not to go out of the compound. If he had some work in the town, he was instructed to just attend to that and return to the asramam straight! And someone was sent with him to ensure that he did that! Thus the year passed without any mishap, under the protection of Ramana. Who can fathom the compassion of the Jnani! But what must have been the accumulated merit of this Ranga Iyer to deserve such grace! Though many devotees have reported many instances of blessings received, this is the only recorded instance of Sri Ramana having intervened directly. All other things Bhagavan Ramana would attribute to "Automatic Divine  Activity".

As Coleridge said: Saints will aid if men will call!.

A Tail piece

Here is an interesting anecdote. After Narendra (Vivekananda) was born (1863), his father had his horoscope cast. But he never revealed its contents. Some time after the demise of the father (1884) , rummaging through his papers, the horoscope was found. The astrologer had predicted that the boy would be a "wanderer". Was not Vivekananda a wanderer? But was he a mere wanderer? What was the purpose of all his wandering?  Thus we see that the words of the astrologers can mean many things- it is another science to decipher the precise meaning! Well may we tempted to exclaim with Macbeth:

And be these juggling fiends no more believed
That palter with us in a double sense
That keep the word of promise to our ear
And break it to our hope.


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